Friday, June 20, 2014

About a good anthropologist!

Hello Again! 

Today I'm going to talk to you about a person who I consider a very good and experimented anthropologist, but today I want to do a game: I'm going to give to you a few characteristics about this person and you will have to guess who is the person that I'm talking! Let's play and good luck! If you can't guess, don't worry because at the end of the post I'm going to tell to you who is this amazing anthropologist.  

First I'm going to talk to you about his personal life! If you put attention, here is the first clue, this person is a MAN! 
OK, now I'm going to talk to you about some things of his personal life:

He was born in 1930 at Chicago, he had 83 years old, yes is amazing but he still alive, luckily, he studied anthropology at the University of Chicago too. He received both a Bachelors and Masters degree at the university of Michigan, and here he studied with Leslie White
 ( an anthropologist who talks about the sociocultural evolution). Besides he earned a Ph. D. at the Columbia University in 1954. 
He taught at the University of Michigan. 
Now I'm going to talk about the characteristic that makes me admire this person: in the sixties he became politically active, protesting against the Vietnam War ( if you see my another post you can realized that I really hate the war!). He wrote a lots of articles in protest against the Vietnam War, I think that he was really brave, because at that time,  when the students or professors the universities decided not allow to them to continue studying or working there. 
One of his distinguishes students was Gayle Rubin, who writes about feminist anthropology, and she is very successful. 

I don't know more things about his private life like if he have sons or wife, but I think that is not the important thing about he, so I'm going to talk to you, about some of his  works and theories. 

His best known theory talks about the " wild opulence", specifically in his book "The Economy of  Stone Age", the wild opulence is the concept that this anthropologist use to define  the behavior of wild communities that do not have a state, he said that this communities, don't have a lot of resources, but  they share all that they have! 

This anthropologist do a lot of his field work in Hawaii,  this fact makes me admire he more, because I really love Hawaii, and I think that is very important do anthropological work there!

With these clues, I hope you have been able to guess  about who I'm speaking to you!
But If you don't, don't worry  because here is a picture about this amazing anthropologist 

Yes!!! I was talking  to you about MARSHALL SAHLINS!
( this picture is when he was younger, because now he look like a very cute grandfather!)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

About World War two


Today I'm going to talk to you about some reflexions that I have do about the world war two.
I have seen a lots of movies about this war. When I was in high school my teachers give to me a lot of names of this movies and we have to do a work about this topic, only seeing this movies. Most of this movies are about Hitler and the Jewish holocaust. For me, the most shocking aspect of this war is precisely this: The holocaust, because I think is very ridiculous killing people only because they have a particular provenance, religion or belief. So because of that the holocaust is very shocking to me and makes me feel very sad, because a lot of people die only because they don't believe in the same of the dictator. 
I never understand the reason of the wars, because the countries fight for the territories, but in the war they destroy the territories and the habitants of this territories die unjustifiably. 
I have read Ana Frank, this book tells the Ana's story, she is a little jewish  girl who had to scape with her family from the holocaust, all her family die, except her father. This story is very sad, and evidence the violence and injustices of the war.
When we see movies or read about the war, we can learn lessons of this war, for example  I learnt one lesson: is very important know to solve our problems by talking or in a pacific way, otherwise the problems grow, and we can't control them, involving innocent people in them, and this is very unfair.
Because of that I think that the war are very unnecessary because they are very violent and expensive, and the money that is being spent on it, could be used for better purposes.
I will never be willing to go to the war, but if I go to the war, it would be to help to the war affected people, but I  think this can be a little bit dangerous.
I  really hope that the World War 3 never take place.
I hope that with two world wars, the countries have learned that wars are not the best way to fix their problems.

Monday, May 12, 2014

MUSIC! One of the best things in this world!

 Hello everybody again!
Today I'm going to talk to you about the music because  is very important in my life and makes my feel happy and with a lot of energy, and for this, I'm going to use  the questions that professor Juan gave us to guide our post.
What kind of music do you like?
I like the relax music, because I use this to study, or spend a lot of time in my bed listen this music and looking at the ceiling! And I like folkloric music because when I was little my mom always  sang me songs of this style. When I go to parties I like reggeton for dance, but  in my house when I study or read, I really hate to listen reggeton
But the music that I really love is Chilean Music like Gepe, Astro, Manuel Garcia, Maria Colores, Francisca Valenzuela, Villa Cariño, and the Chilean music in general,  because the lyrics are originals, and the music is different of the typical pop groups.
 Is there any kind of music that you particularly dislike?
YES!! I hate techno music! I can't  hear more than one minute of this music without that  make me want to run out!
Do you ever go to concerts?
YES! When I was little I went to a lot of concerts with my big brother!
And now I go to the concerts with my friends, but I like more the recitals than the concerts because here you can listen more than one group and you have to pay only one ticket! Is very convenient.
I always go to the Francisca Valenzuela's concerts with my best friend Isidora, the good thing is this: a lot of her concerts are for free!
 Do you ever download music files from the internet?
Yes! because de CD's are very expensive! and the music that you download from internet you can put it in your mp3 and you can listen the music that you really like in any place that you want! Is really amazing, I have a lot of music that  I download from the internet, I put it on my mp3 and I hear it in the bus  or the subway when I go to the University and makes my trip shorter and more entertaining!
 What is your first memory of learning a song?
Oh! my first memory of learning a song, is very sweet!
When I was little, like six years old, my mom always sang to me a song, and she always said to me:
 " You have to sing with my"! So she wrote to me the lyrics of the song in a piece of paper, and I spend a lot of time practicing the song, so one day I told to her: " mom! I learning the song, I learning the song! and  we were able  to sing it together! And sometimes, she told to my this story and we sing together again, the same song!
 If you were a song, what song would you be and why?
I would be a song of the Beatles, " Across the Universe" because I love the movie with the same name and because I always listen this song when I need concentration to think about my life, or make important decisions
 Can you play a musical instrument or read music?
 No! :( Is very sad, when I was little I went to guitar lessons, but I'm left-handed, so was very difficult for the teacher explain to my how I have to play the guitar, I play flute but I learned alone how to do, but I think that is very easy and the sound of the flute is horrible! I really hate play flute, so it is as if I couldn't  play any instrument
Do you like singing karaoke or while in the shower?
YES! I always sing in the shower! and the neighbors shout me : can you stop please! So I think that I don't sing very well, but it doesn't matter to me because sing makes my very happy.
Finally, I think that the world will be very different without music, it would be sad and dark! And the people would be sad and dark too! So I think the music is the best thing in the planet, the humanity would be nothing without the music!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Expectations for a new semester

In this semester I started the second year of my career, and I’m very happy and with high expectations about what is going to happen at the university life, but also in all the aspects of the life, because all the people says that 2014 is going to be a great year!

But today, I’m going to tell you about the activities at the University, and my expectations of that for this semester. In this semester I am taking eight subjects, including English. I have a lot of subjects this semester, because of that I’d like to be more organized but this results very difficult to me, because I’m really good at “wasting my time” and when I have to do things like study, read or do assignments I do better when I’m under stress and without time, with this method I don’t have bad results at the University, but this makes me feel very tired and crabby at the end.

And for this semester I decided to be member of a group in the University, this group is called “Antropología Colectiva”, we are started with this group lately and I really hope  we can do all the things that we have planned.

On the other hand, I expect to have more time in this semester to do sports, I don’t really like practice a lot of sports, but I feel that sport help us the be more healthy, strong and happy, so definitely I want to do more sports this semester!